If you wish to become a member of the Belgian Society of Cardiology, please complete the application form below.You will be informed when your application has been reviewed by the BSC Board.
Title*: Dr.Prof.Mr.Mrs.Ms. First Name*: Last Name*: Date of Birth*: Email*: ESC ID number:
Organisation/Institution Name*: Line 1*: Line 2: City*: Postcode*: Country*: Telephone: Mobile:
Line 1*: Line 2: City*: Postcode*: Country*: Telephone:
Cardiologist applicants need to indicate their RIZIV/INAMI number. The other categories of applicants need to be supported by one BSC member (for Junior applications, this is the internship supervisor).
I am applying for membership as a*: CardiologistJunior CardiologistParamedicSubject Matter ExpertScientist
RIZIV/INAMI number*:
First Name*: Last Name*: Hospital/Organisation*: Email*:
CV*: What is the start date of your training* What is the expected end of your training*
I am interested in the following Working Groups and Councils*:BeHRABelgian Council on CardiogenomicsBelgian Council on Cardio-OncologyBIWACBWGACHDBWGBRCBWGCVNBWGHFBWGICBWGNICIBWGPCYCC
I consent to the BSC using my details for the purposes of registration, membership communications and other purposes as defined in the Privacy Policy*
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ask the referee to send an email to the BSC confirming my application*